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Auto Blog is a WordPress plugin that automatically generates high-quality blog posts using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo or GPT-4.0 Turbo models. It also integrates with Unsplash to add featured images to your posts. Simply install the plugin, configure your settings, and let Auto Blog handle the content creation for you.

Auto Blog offers two pricing plans: $20 per month for the version using GPT-3.5 Turbo, and $50 per month for the enhanced version using GPT-4.0 Turbo. Both plans provide automated content creation and image integration features.

To install Auto Blog, download the plugin from, upload it to your WordPress site, and activate it under “license”.

Yes, Auto Blog allows you to customize the content settings to match your blog’s niche and style. You can set topics, keywords, and other parameters to ensure the generated content aligns with your preferences. Additionally, you can manually edit posts after they are generated.

Auto Blog provides comprehensive support to its users, including a detailed user guide, FAQs, and email support. For any technical issues or questions, you can contact our support team, and we will be happy to assist you in making the most of your Auto Blog plugin.